Our services

Why Choose Us

Choosing PiggyExpress's last mile delivery service means partnering with a leader in logistics innovation. Our commitment to reliability, customer satisfaction, and technological advancement sets us apart, ensuring that your products not only reach their final destinations but also enhance your brand's reputation and customer loyalty.

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Zipcode Coverage
Distribution Centers
Delivery Regions

North America Coverage

Started Back In 2016 - Deliver X Webflow Template
What We Offer

Speed and Efficiency

Utilizing state-of-the-art logistics technology, we ensure that your packages are delivered swiftly, meeting and often exceeding customer expectations for delivery times.



Our service includes various delivery options, including same-day deliveries, scheduled time slots, and secure drop-off locations, catering to the diverse needs of your customers.

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Started Back In 2016 - Deliver X Webflow Template
What We Offer

Real-time Tracking

Both you and your customers can enjoy peace of mind with our real-time tracking feature, which offers updates at every step of the delivery process.



Recognizing our responsibility to the planet, we incorporate eco-friendly practices and vehicles into our operations, striving for a greener delivery process. Personalized Customer Service: Our dedicated support team is here to ensure a smooth delivery experience, addressing any concerns and customizing solutions to meet specific needs.

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Getting Started

Embark on a journey to redefine your delivery process and exceed customer expectations. Contact us today to learn more about how PiggyExpress's can transform your last mile delivery challenges into opportunities for growth and customer satisfaction.